The Castillian, 1880
Vital Statistics
Oil on canvas, Dimensions unknown
This work is known only through one reference to it while on display in Detroit in April 1880. No further information is available and the painting is presumed lost.
Detroit, April 1880: “Seventh Annual Exhibition of the Works of
Michigan Artists,” Angell’s Art
this department . . . is an oil painting by Willie T. Trego, the promising
young artist-student from this city and now at the Philadelphia Art
School. The picture is
entitled ‘The Castillian’ and is an original and picturesque study showing very
rapid and marked improvement in every detail of the painting. It is one of the
best pictures in the exhibition.” (“Spring Exhibition,”
Detroit Free Press, 13 Apr 1880, unpaginated clipping, William
Trego Files, Spruance Library, BCHS, Doylestown,
The Dragoon,1880 >